Introduction to Coresets: Motivation & Coresets

This video is the first in a series that provides an introduction to Coresets, a technique used to handle big data. The video discusses the motivation behind Coresets and defines what they are, as well as some of their properties.
January 13th, 2023
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  Event ended


This video is the first in a series that provides an introduction to Coresets, a technique used to handle big data. The video discusses the motivation behind Coresets and defines what they are, as well as some of their properties.

The video also explains how Coresets can be used to handle big data challenges such as incorrectly labeled data and high quality input images. The video concludes by stating that Coresets reduce data and run the same machine learning algorithm on the compressed data, allowing for the same solution or approximation to be obtained.

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