Introduction to Coresets: Applications

In this video, Alaa Maalouf, a Lead Coreset Researcher at DataHeroes, explains the applications of Coreset and how they can be used to solve big data challenges.
January 13th, 2023
Online Event
  Event ended


In this video, Alaa Maalouf, a Lead Coreset Researcher at DataHeroes, explains the applications of Coreset and how they can be used to solve big data challenges.

The video explains how Coresets can be used to train machine learning models on limited hardware or in limited time, support streaming data and detect incorrectly labeled data and high-quality input data points. The video also discusses how the approximation error can be improved by utilizing the streaming tree, which incurs more memory usage but results in a better approximation. The video concludes by thanking the audience for watching and encouraging them to watch the next videos.

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